
European_eelWill you be eeling it?

Is it a snake? Is it a fish? Or is it a snake-look-alike fish?
Well, it’s an eel – A delicacy, perfect for your Easter dinner OR

The European eel was once a common fish, but over the last decades the population has declined with approximately 98 percent!

You can do something: Stop eating eels!
…and let these poor fellows do their thing -Reproduce in the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic, and swim more than 6.000 kilometers to the freshwaters of Europe.


Necropsy of fulmarsPlastic for dinner

Microplastics, tiny pieces of plastic debris less than 5 mm in diameter, are everywhere in every ocean – from Bermuda to Iceland.
…And seabirds and other animals in the ocean are having it for dinner.

In the North Sea more than 95 % of the Northern Fulmar birds were found to have plastic debris in their guts. For many of these birds the result will be reproductive problems or death.

Moreover, fish and mussels are also eating microplastics and thereby passing on the toxic microplastics into the food chain, which might end up on your dinner table!

You can do something: Stop using personal care products (such as body scrubs, creams, soaps, toothpastes and cosmetic) containing Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and Nylon.

Or at least minimize it.

Read more at Beat the Micro Bead

Polar bears

starving_polar_bear_SvalbardStarving to death

Climate changes are here and the ice is melting. The polar bear is literally on thin ice.

After starving in the summer with berries and carrion, the polar bears gain their body fat by hunting seals on the sea ice in the winter. But due to a warmer climate the sea ice extent and the thickness is reduced, as well as the period of maximum ice extent gets shorter year after year.

This results in less time for the polar bears to hunt and less time to restore their body condition to a non-critical level.

You can do something: Reduce your CO2 consumption by eating less meat, turn off electrical devices, and use a bike or public transport more often instead of a car.

Climatoon to make a better world…


rabbit_farmRipped off and put in cage

The winter is on its way to Europe so it is time to find a nice, warm and soft sweater. And what is softer than a sweater made of angora wool…?

Nothing really, BUT

…Angora wool comes from the Angora rabbit, which is a special breed of rabbits, where the fur grows continuously.

Every three months the fur is ripped off the rabbit while the rabbit is very much alive and screaming (yes, rabbits can scream and do you dare to hear it?).

Afterwards, the rabbit is put back into its cage, ripped off and all naked without straw and hay. Only waiting for its fur to grow back, and by then be ready to be ripped off again.

90 percent of all angora wool is obtained this way!

You can do something: Don’t buy clothes that contains angora wool.

…And if you cannot resist the soft angora wool then make sure that it isn’t made in China, but in UK.


tunaEaten out of the sea

A warm-blooded boney fish measuring 2 meters, weighing 250 kilograms and tasting sushi sashimi delicious – That’s a Bluefin tuna, an endangered species.

Since the 1950’s the population of Bluefin tuna has dropped by 97 percent! And that’s not all… Nowadays, sophisticated fishing techniques results in catch of turtles, sharks and dolphins which can be found in your canned tuna.

You can do something: Stop eating fresh tuna and only buy the blue MSC-certified products.

…And if you love sushi, make sure that you are eating skipjack tuna unless you don’t give a shit.

The story of the Bluefin tuna – the NGO way…


Dancing_bear_in_Bulgaria_about_1970Dance till you die

You hear the drums and the beat, and then you see the dancing feet.

A big beautiful Bear,
taken by a poacher when it was a cub,
the canine teeth are either filed down or broken off,
pierced through the nose or lips,
without anaesthetic,
mistreated and in pain

…Well that’s the life of a dancing Bear

Dancing Bears were common in the Middle Ages, but are still found nowadays all over the world, mostly in Asia and Eastern Europe.

You can do something: Never ever give money to a bear tamer with a dancing Bear and don’t go see a Bear show.


Plastic bagsA hungry turtle approaching its prey

…mmm yummi a jellyfish. Hey, wait that’s not a jellyfish – it’s a plastic bag!

More than 1 million plastic bags are used every minute, which means more than 500 billion plastic bags are used every year. And plastic bags have been used for over 40 years. You do the math … that’s a lot!

And guess what? Most of them are non-biodegradable and end up in the sea. This affects 267 marine species, 44 percent of all seabirds, and fatally affects over 1 million sea creatures per year.

You can do something: Stop using plastic bags –use a reusable bag instead.


The Lifecycle of a plastic bag. In other words: why you should use a reusable bag instead…


Punished every day

All ‘tame’ Elephants are trained with bullhooks. Bullhooks are hooks attached to long sticks, which are used to beat and punish the Elephants, if they don’t do as they’re told. All Elephants you meet as a tourist are tamed and trained this way.

Many Elephants get severe wounds from the bullhooks. But in most Asian countries it is illegal to put an animal down, even if it is suffering and in great pain.

Around the age of 3 years Elephants are taken from their mothers and are pacified and held in the same position without food for days. The Elephant’s future owner gains their trust by being the first one to feed them after days of starvation.

You can do something: Stop riding Elephants on your holidays!

Ducks and Geese

Kept in darkness and force-fed

In French Foie Gras literally means fatty liver.
 Starting as early as a few months old, the young Ducks are kept in dark sheds and force-fed with corn.

In a matter of few weeks, the Ducks become heavily overweight with their livers expanding up to 10 times their normal size. Due to the rapid expansion of the liver, the other organs are exposed to extreme pressure.

Foie Gras may be a delicacy, but just imagine if you were the one being force-fed.

You can do something: Stop eating Foie Gras.

…but if you’re addicted, just try to limit it.


On drugs

Many tourists visit Tiger reserves and parks every year where they cuddle, hug and kiss them. But what they are not told is that the Tigers have been given medicine and sedatives to become a relaxed, soft and safe money-making attraction. Some Tigers have even had their claws and fangs removed.

In the last 70 years, three of the nine Tiger subspecies have become extinct. The remaining six subspecies all live in Asia where they are threatened by poaching and habitat loss.
The Amur tiger, previously known as the Siberian tiger, is the biggest of them all. The estimated number of wild Amur tigers is 400 – in Zoos there are approximately 600.

You can do something: Stop visiting Tiger reserves and parks in Asia!